Category Archives: Audit

Demonetization impact on Audit Report for FY 2016-17

By | June 2, 2017

 Demonetization impact on Audit Report for FY 2016-17 In one of the historical reforms of the economy of India, Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 notes were banned effective from Tuesday midnight i.e on midnight of 08.11.2016. Lets study demonetization impact on Audit Report . Demonetization impact on Audit Report : Notifications of Ministry of Company Affairs… Read More »

Bank Branch Audit Queries – Ask from Expert Panel of ICAI

By | March 31, 2017

AUDITING AND ASSURANCE STANDARDS BOARD CONSTITUTES EXPERT PANEL FOR ADDRESSING BANK BRANCH AUDIT RELATED QUERIES FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR 2016-17 Dear Members, The bank audit season is around the corner. Given the fact that the banking industry is typical in terms of its geographical and customer spread, the volume and varied nature of products and… Read More »

Handbook on Statutory Audit of Bank 2017 Edition Book -M.Siva Ram Prasad

By | February 28, 2017

HAND BOOK ON STATUTORY AUDIT OF BANK 2017 edition Book by M.Siva Ram Prasad Key features of This Book – Handbook on Statutory Audit of Bank 2017 Edition Statutory Central Audit. Statutory Branch Audit. Check list cum Audit Programmes. Reporting Requirements. Disclosure Requirements and Formats. Regulatory requirement of RBI. You can buy this Book for Rs… Read More »

Secretarial Audit – Dimensions and Deliverables – Book

By | February 25, 2017

Secretarial Audit – Dimensions and Deliverables by CCH A Wolters Kluwer  The Companies Act, 2013 introduced the concept of Secretarial Audit for bigger companies, with effect from April 1, 2014. Secretarial Audit gives necessary comfort to the stakeholders that the affairs of the company are being managed in accordance with the statutory requirements. Further, it… Read More »

How Auditor should do documentation to safeguard himself -Book -Evidence Your Audit

By | February 11, 2017

Evidence Your Audit- An Exhaustive Guide to Audit Documentation by Khurshed Noshir Pastakia The publication on Audit Documentation focusses on “How the Auditor should do the documentation to safeguard himself”. Documentation is a double-edged sword. If what is documented evidences that the audit was planned and performed to meet the standards on auditing, it can sturdily… Read More »

Exposure Draft of Revised SA 720- The Auditor’s Responsibilities Relating to Other Information

By | January 6, 2017

Exposure Draft of Revised SA 720, “The Auditor’s Responsibilities Relating to Other Information” for Comments Scope of this SA 1. This Standard on Auditing (SA) deals with the auditor’s responsibilities relating to other information, whether financial or non-financial information (other than financial statements and the auditor’s report thereon), included in an entity’s annual report. An… Read More »

Free Download Guidance Note on Audit of Consolidated Financial Statements (Revised 2016)

By | October 18, 2016

Guidance Note on Audit of Consolidated Financial Statements (Revised 2016) The Auditing and Assurance Standards Board of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, in 2003, had issued the Guidance Note on Audit of Consolidated Financial Statements to provide guidance to the members undertaking audits of consolidated financial statements. Since the issuance of this Guidance… Read More »

Concurrent Audit of Banks Checklist

By | June 2, 2016

Concurrent Audit of Banks – Checklist To carry the concurrent audit assignment successfully, it is necessary for auditor to familiarize himself with following: Compliance of RBI Guidelines relating to Concurrent Audit System in Commercial Banks Submission of Long Form Audit Report (LFAR) by Concurrent Auditors Concurrent Auditors to submit  NPA review reports (Specimen of the Review Report) Scope… Read More »