Change of Date of Birth of EPF/ESI Members

By | April 15, 2020
(Last Updated On: April 17, 2020)

Change of Date of Birth of EPF/ESI Members

कर्मचारी भविष्य निधि संगठन

EmployeesProvident Fund Organization 

(श्रम एवं रोजगार मंत्रालय, भारत सरकार)

(Ministry of Labour& Employment, Govt. of India

Head Office

Bhavishya Nidhi Bhawan, 14Bhikaiji Cama Place, New Delhi110066 

Telephone: 01126185580 Fax: 01126179337 Email:

No. WSU/37(1)2019/DOB                                                                                                                               Date 3/4/2020


All Addl. CPFC (Zones),

RPFCI/OIC of Regional Offices

Sub: Change of Date of Birth of EPF/EPS members. Ref:

1) HO circular No. Pension3/8/OR/2005/69869 dated 12.12.2006

2) HO circular No. PensionI/Instructions/Guidelines/2017/20225 dated 12.12.2017


Please refer to the above said subject

2. In supersession of circulars cited above, in case of a dispute in the date of birth, any of the following documents may be accepted as valid proof of date of birth

Birth Certificate issued by the Registrar of Births and Deaths. > Any school/education related certificate

Certificate based on the service records of the Central/State 

Government Organisations


Any other reliable document issued by a government 


In the absence of proof of date of birth as above, Medical 

Certificate issued by Civil Surgeon after examining the member medically and supported with an affidavit on oath by the member duly authenticated by a Competent Court. Aadhaar/eAadhaar: The change in date of birth shall be accepted as per Aadhaar/eAadhaar upto a maximum range of plus or minus three years of the date of birth recorded earlier with EPFO

3This has approval of Central P.F. Commissioner

Yours faithfully

(Sanjay Kumar

Addl. CPFC 

No WSU /37/(1)2(2019) /DOB dated 03.04.2020

Download circular Click here

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