G-Noc to Function as the Nerve Centre of all it Operations of EPFO
G-Noc – 24×7 Monitor and Trouble Shooter
Speaking on the occasion the Shri Bandaru Dattatreya said that in the recent past, EPFO has taken several IT based initiatives to provide better and efficient services to its stakeholders and is in the process of taking many more IT based initiatives. It is pertinent that the existing and planned IT based services of EPFO work efficiently and without any glitch, he added. It is in this perspective that this g-NOC has been established. The g-NOC is expected to function as the nerve centre of all the IT operations of the Organisation. The g-NOC would be functioning as the centre to monitor all the three proposed data centres at Gurgaon, Secunderabad and National Data Centre Dwarka. Sh. Dattatreya further informed that this g-NOC would not only be monitoring the IT functioning of the EPFO but shall also be the nodal point for handling troubleshooting as well as detecting and preventing all external threats such as virus attacks or hacking attempts. He said that to monitor and protect ever expanding large database of EPFO, a 24X7 functioning centre needs to keep track of all the functioning of IT based services.
Sh. Shankar Aggarwal, Secretary (Labour & Employment) stated that EPFO is not only looking at providing better IT based services but also committed to provide these services continuously. Since EPFO has envisaged zero data loss architecture for the upcoming centralized IT infrastructure, it is envisaged that this g-NOC would be the backbone of all IT based services. The entire control is being established from this g-NOC. The g-NOC shall be used not only to monitor the technical performance of all the field office level technical but also HR requirements.
Sh. H. L. Samariya, Central Provident Fund Commissioner added that g-NOC shall also be a key instrument to keep a watch on all external service providing agencies from perspective of SLA implementation such as band-width utilization, performance of storage systems, servers, network, security and software applications.
Sh. Samaria further informed that g-NOC would also be used to intimate and initiate the assessment of primary technical training needs for all technical personnel all across the field locations. In this manner the g-NOC would work towards enhancing the technical performance of EPFO personnel and ensure that the EPF officials are up-to-date with the technical environment of the country and the requirement that are needed to better the services of EPFO.