How to file ITR 1 AY 2023-24
ITR filing portal will be opened from 01.04.2023 to file ITR 1 AY 2023-24 i.e ITR 1 Sahaj for AY 2023-24 .
(CA Satbir Singh : Conact us on
Who can file ITR 1 for AY 2023-24 ?
ITR 1 form for AY 2023-24 can be filed by individuals being a resident (other than not ordinarily resident) having total income upto Rs.50 lakh, having Income from Salaries, one house property, other sources (Interest etc.), and agricultural income upto Rs.5 thousand.
What is the format of ITR 1 for AY 2023-24 ?
ITR 1 Sahaj form for AY 2023-24 has been notified by CBDT . Downlod New ITR 1 Form AY 2023-24
What are Changes in ITR 1 forms Ay 2023-24 ?
Refer Video and Article New Changes in ITR Form AY 2023-24
What are the Steps to file ITR 1 AY 2023-24 ?
To file ITR 1 for AY 2023-24, you need to follow these steps:
- Go to the official website, and log in with your user ID and password. If you are a new user, sign up to create login details.
- On the homepage, click on the e-file menu and select Income Tax Return.
- An online ITR form will show up on the screen. Choose ITR 1 Sahaj form if your income is up to Rs 50 lakhs from salary, one house property or other sources . (also refer New ITR Form AY 2023-24 I How to Choose the Right One I Step by Step guide I CA Satbir singh )
- Fill in the required details such as personal information, income details, tax deductions and exemptions etc. You can import some data from Form 26AS or previous ITRs if available.
- Verify your tax computation and pay any tax due if applicable.
- Submit your ITR form online and e-verify it using Aadhaar OTP, net banking or EVC.
What is the last date for ITR 1 filing online AY 2023-24 ?
ITR filing without late Fees : ITR -1 for AY 2023-24 is to be filed by 31.07.2023 without late fees .
ITR filing with Late fees : ITR -1 for AY 2023-24 can be filed till 31.12.2023 with late fees .
What are the Income Tax slab for ITR 1 AY 2023-24 ?
Refer Income Tax Slab for FY 2022-23 AY 2023-24
What are the Steps before filing ITR 1 for AY 2023-24 in India ?
Refer this How to file ITR form for AY 2023-24 in India
This Post will help you on following topics
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