Kind Attention : All Members of ICAI
Dear Member,
Subject: Gentle Reminder to comply with CPE hours requirements for the Current Calendar Year (1-1-2023 to 31-12-2023)
As you are already aware that from current year i.e. 2023 onwards the CPE Hours requirements have been revised which are to be complied with by various categories of Members (from 1-1-2023 till 31-12-2023). The CPE Hours Requirements for each Calendar Year Applicable From 1-1-2023 onwards are available at
Also, to make members aware about their CPE Hours compliance status for Calendar year 2023 and to maximize the CPE compliance level, the CPE Committee has started sending customized mail to each Member informing their CPE hours compliance status on monthly basis from September 2023 at the end/beginning of each month. The Members are requested to check their CPE Hours status and complete the balance CPE Hours, if any.
The CPE learning activities, which are eligible for CPE Credit hours are divided into Structured Learning Activities (SLAs) and Unstructured Learning Activities (ULAs).
We would like to inform you that the online updated status of CPE Hours credits (whether Structured or unstructured) earned by members is available on CPE Portal under member’s login as per the attendance uploaded by the CPE Programme Organising Units as on date. For viewing the status, members may login as under:-
The User ID is Six Digit Membership Number
Default password: cpe+6 digit membership number.
You are requested to view your CPE Hours status till date and in case of any discrepancy, may contact the concerned CPE Programme Organising Units (POUs).
Further, we would like to mention here that Advisories for CPE Structured Learning Activities and Unstructured Learning Activities are also available on CPE Portal along with the Self-declaration form at
We wish to draw your attention that Unstructured Learning Activities may be done by Reading & Individual Home Study also which may constitute reading articles in Journal, reading technical/professional/
Also ICAI has developed an e-Learning platform –Digital Learning Hub which can be accessed by members through their SSP Login credentials through the link ( Members can earn their professional learning credits (Unstructured CPE hours) through this platform where the learning is facilitated with videos, presentations, reference material, guidance notes etc in both desktop and mobile device modes. In days to come, this portal will facilitate to earn CPE Credit Hours under Structured Learning as well.
In view of all above, we encourage you to complete your CPE hours requirements for the current year in timely manner and latest by 31st December, 2023, which is also pre-requisite for issuance of Good Standing Certificate for Study Abroad.
Happy learning!
With Kind Regards,
Chairman, CPE Committee | Vice- Chairman, CPE Committee |
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India
(Set up by an Act of Parliament)
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