Supreme Court on Death Penalty by
Since death sentence is the only sentence that cannot be revoked once executed, courts always remain in dilemma at the time of dealing with cases of death penalty. Besides that voice from some quorters used to be raised from time to time that there is no consistency in the approach of courts in awarding death sentence. This book is an attempt to assist lawyers and judges to come out of the said dilemma and ascertain whether there is any inconsistency in the approach of courts in awarding death penalty. This book deals with all aspects relating to death sentence in eleven chapters. Though in criminal matters it is seldom to find two cases having identical facts, yet efforts have been made to categorise cases with similar facts, which will render immense help to reader to distinguish a case from another case.
Price of Book 680. Click to buy online
- Hardcover: 825 pages
- Publisher: Universal Law Publishing – An Imprint of LexisNexis; First edition (1 January 2016