TCS on Sale of motor Vehicle above Rs 10 Lakh
TCS on Sale of motor Vehicle above Rs 10 Lakh as per newly inserted section 206c(1F) in Income Tax Act (India)
Analysis of provision on TCS on Sale of motor Vehicle above Rs 10 Lakh :-
- TCS on Sale of motor Vehicle above Rs 10 Lakh
- TCS on Sale of motor Vehicle above Rs 10 Lakh to be collected by Seller
- TCS on Sale of motor Vehicle above Rs 10 Lakh to be collected by Seller at the time of receipt of such amount
- TCS on Sale of motor Vehicle above Rs 10 Lakh to be collected by seller w.e.f 01.06.2016
- TCS on Sale of motor Vehicle above Rs 10 Lakh to be collected by seller @ 1% of the sale Consideration ( Sale consideration not defined. but in general sale consideration means total invoice value which includes Vat ) Higher Tax Rate for not giving PAN by Collectee for TCS w.e.f 01.04.2017
- TCS on Sale of motor Vehicle above Rs 10 Lakh : The transaction may be in cash or by the issue of a cheque or draft or by any other mode.
- Finance Minister in his Budget Speech has used the word ” Luxury Cars ” but , having regard to the language used in provision of Section 206C (1F) , it will apply to all motor vehicles whether they are luxury cars or not. TCS on Sale of motor Vehicle above Rs 10 Lakh ,if it is a truck , buses ,two weelers , passenger vehicle or any other motor vehicle .
- If the manufacturer sell motor vehicle to dealers than also TCS on Sale of motor Vehicle above Rs 10 Lakh to be collected by manufacturer . Even if dealer sells to another dealer any motor vehicle above Rs 10 Lakh than he is required to collect TCS on sale of motor vehicle to another dealer.
- Sometimes discount on the sale of motor vehilce are given and it may happen that after discount the value of sale consideration is less than Rs 10 Lakh . Thus there may be two cases
- when discounts are given by Credit Note , then the invoice value is not reduced and the person selling motor vehicle is required to collect TCS on sale of motor vehicle
- When discounts deducted from the invoice value , then it can be said that there is no need to collect TCS on the sale of motor vehicle if the net sale consideration is less than Rs 10 Lakh after giving discounts.
- TCS on sale of any motor vehicle is to be collected @ 1 % on sale consideration of a motor vehicle exceeding ten lakh rupees. whether part of the payment is made in cash and part is made by cheque , it does not make any difference as this provision is not dependent on mode of payment .
- sometimes single bill may be raised for two parts of motor vehicle ( in case of trucks for chasis and body ). If the total sale consideration of this bill exceeds Rs 10 Lakh than the person selling motor vehicle is required to deduct TCS on sale of Motor Vehicle.
- TCS on sale of any motor vehicle shall not apply in case of sale to Government, institutions notified under United Nations ( Privileges and Immunities) Act 1947, and Embassies, Consulates, High Commission, Legation, Commission and trade representation of a foreign State.
- Section under which TCS to be deducted on sale of any motor vehicle if payment is in cash is explained as follow :-
- Example 1:-if the value of motor vehicle is 20 lakh rupees , out of which 5 lakh rupees has been paid in cash and balance amount by way of cheque, the tax shall be collected at source at the rate of 1 % on total sale consideration of 20 lakh rupees only under sub-section (1F) of section 206C of the Act.
- Example 2:However, if a vehicle is sold for 8 lakh rupees and the consideration is paid in cash, tax shall be collected at source at the rate of 1 % on 8 lakh rupees as per sub-section(l D) of section 206C of the Act
- when the sale consideration is received in installments. when installments are received , TCS on Sale of motor Vehicle above Rs 10 Lakh, has to be collected from the customers, as the section 206C(IF) mention , TCS is to be collected ” at the time of receipt of such sum . “Illustration: Motor vehicle worth 20 lakh is sold and for which payments are made in instalments, one at the time of booking and the other at the time of delivery. At the time of booking 5 lakh rupees are paid and 15 lakh rupees are paid at the time of delivery. Tax at the rate of 1 % on 5 lakh rupees at the time of booking and at the rate of 1 % on remaining 15 lakh rupees at the time of delivery shall be collected at source.
- TCS on Sale of motor Vehicle above Rs 10 Lakh is to be collected even at the time of booking . As the section 206C (1F ) read as follows ” Every person, being a seller, who receives any amount as consideration for sale of a motor vehicle of the value exceeding ten lakh rupees, shall, at the time of receipt of such amount, collect from the buyer, a sum equal to one per cent of the sale consideration as income-tax.”;”
But there is need of CBDT clarification as to what will happen if the booking is cancelled after payment of TCS to the government. The only option as of now is to claim this amount as refund when filing Income tax Return.
TCS – Amendment as per Finance Act 2017
No TCS on Cash Sale of Goods or Services or Jewellery w.e.f 01.04.2017
Higher Tax Rate for not giving PAN by Collectee for TCS w.e.f 01.04.2017
No TCS on sale of jewellery w.e.f 01.04.2017
Exemption from TCS to certian Buyers of Motor Vehicle >Rs 10 Lakh w.e.f 01.04.2017 ]
CBDT FAQ’s on TCS on Sale of motor Vehicle above Rs 10 Lakh
Read FAQ’s by Central Board of Direct Taxes on TCS on sale of Motor Vehicle : CBDT clarify via FAQ
Rate of TCS if PAN not Given w.e.f 01.04.2017
Higher Tax Rate for not giving PAN by Collectee for TCS w.e.f 01.04.2017
TCS on Sale of motor Vehicle : Section 206C(1F) inserted by Section 88, Finance Acts – 2016
In section 206C of the Income-tax Act, with effect from the 1st day of June, 2016,
The following sub-sections shall be inserted, namely:—
(1F) Every person, being a seller, who receives any amount as consideration for sale of a motor vehicle of the value exceeding ten lakh rupees, shall, at the time of receipt of such amount, collect from the buyer, a sum equal to one per cent of the sale consideration as income-tax.”;
Note : No TCS on Cash Sale of Goods or Services or Jewellery w.e.f 01.04.2017
Budget Speech (Union Budget 2016-2017) on TCS on Sale of motor Vehicle above Rs 10 Lakh
Para 149 of Budget Speech (Union Budget 2016-2017 – Speech of Shri Arun Jaitley, Minister of Finance, dated 29-2-2016) : TCS on Sale of motor Vehicle above Rs 10 Lakh
“149 . I also propose to collect tax at source at the rate of 1% on purchase of luxury cars exceeding value of Rs.ten lakh and purchase of goods and services in cash exceeding Rs.two lakh. For compliant taxpayers with resources, this levy not only advances collection of tax when the expenditure is incurred, but it provides data to the tax authorities to identify the persons who incur such expenditure, but may be missing from the tax base. Farmers and notified class of persons will have an option of giving a form by which TCS will not be charged.
Whether TCS on Sale of motor Vehicle applies to all motor vehicles or only Luxury Cars ?
Finance Minister in his Budget Speech has used the word ” Luxury Cars ” but , having regard to the language used in provision of Section 206C (1F) , it will apply to all motor vehicles whether they are luxury cars or not.
What is the meaning of seller for collecting TCS on Sale of motor Vehicle ?
As per Explanation (C) to section 206C :-
(c) “seller” means the Central Government, a State Government or any local authority or corporation or authority established by or under a Central, State or Provincial Act, or any company or firm or co-operative society and also includes an individual or a Hindu undivided family whose total sales, gross receipts or turnover from the business or profession carried on by him exceed the monetary limits specified under clause (a) or clause (b) of section 44AB during the financial year immediately preceding the financial year in which the goods of the nature specified in the Table in sub-section (1) or sub-section (1D) are sold or services referred to in sub-section (1D) are provided.
Definition of Buyer for TCS on Sale of motor Vehicle above Rs 10 Lakh
As per Explanation (aa) of Section 206C
(aa) “buyer” with respect to—
(ii) sub-section (1D) or sub-section (1F) means a person who obtains in any sale, goods of the nature specified in the said sub-section;
TCS on Sale of motor Vehicle but Motor Vehicle not Defined under Income tax Act
‘Motor vehicle’ has not been defined specifically under the Income Tax Act. However, it is defined under section 2(28) of the Motor Vehicle Act, 1988 which reads as under :
‘”motor vehicle” or “vehicle” means any mechanically propelled vehicle adapted for use upon roads whether the power of propulsion is transmitted thereto from an external or internal source and includes a chassis to which a body has not been attached and a trailer; but does not include a vehicle running upon fixed rails or avehicle of a special type adapted for use only in a factory or in any other enclosed premises or a vehicle having less than four wheels fitted with engine capacity of not exceeding thirty five cubic centimetres.”
TCS on purchase of car accounting entry
You can do following entry
Car A/c Dr
TCS Receivable A/c DR
To Bank / Vendor Account
[ Note : TCS collected by Car Dealer will be available as credit of Tax and will be adjuted / refundable from Income Tax Payable, when purchaser of car will file his Income Tax return at the end of Financial year ]
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- Penalty deleted as the Assessee was not aware of TCS provisions
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- TDS Statement Upload Online -Procedure
- TDS on Commission paid to agent for rendering services abroad
- No TDS on sum paid for services rendered outside india
- NO TDS on VSAT /lease line charges paid to NSE/BSE
- No tds on sale of agricultural land
- NO TDS on Service tax
- Not liable to Deduct TDS in case amendment with retrospective effect
- TDS can not be demanded from deductor if taxes paid by deductee : SC
- No TDS on leasehold rights payment for long period say 99 years
- Employer not liable to deduct TDS @ 20% for non furnishing of PAN by Employees
- No TDS on payment of transmission charges u/s 194J
- Payer not Liable to Deduct TDS if Payee income is exempt
- No TDS on Rent if declaration in 15G/15H w.e.f 01.06.2016
- No TDS on Service Tax Component of Rent
- No TDS on Provision of Interest u/s194A if provision reversed
- No TDs on interest on FDR made on direction of Courts :CBDT
- No TDS on Reimbursement Expenses if separate bills raised
- No TDS on Interest on FCCB issued to foreign investors and utilized for verseas business
- NO TDS liability under Section 195 if Book entry passed reversed Subsequently
- No TDS Under Secction 194LA as Land Acquired by Mutual negotiation and not compulsory acquisition
- No TDS under section 194LA if land owners surrendered their land to municipal corporation for under development right certificates scheme
- No TDS on Compensation paid to evacuate slum dwellers
- No TDS on purchase of negative rights of films
- Section 194I No TDS on Lease payment for allotment of plot for 80 years
- Purchase of software is not payment for royalty, not liable to TDS
- TDS on Purchase of Property : FAQ’s
- Assessee not to be called for TDS deducted but not Deposited by Deductor : CBDT
- Debenture Interest charged in Profit and Loss A/c but not paid would not attract TDS under Section 193
- Sum paid for internet connection not liable for TDS under section 194J
- Additional amount Paid to Purchaser on cancellation of Flat is not interest under section 2(28A) hence No TDS
- Period of default of TDS for Interest recovery is from date of deductibility till date of actual payment of tax
- CBDT clarify TDS issues on payments made by Television channels, Broadcasters and Newspapers
- TDS on Payment to Contractor : section 194C
- TDS Rates and Limit revised w.e.f 01.06.2016
- TDS on Payment to harvester / transporter of Sugarcane from Farmers field
- Payment to intermediaries for hiring of transport for carriage of goods is also liable for TDS u/s 194C
- Even in case of oral contract with transporters TDS is liable to be deducted u/s 194C
- Purchases made after payment of excise duty and availment of credit can not be held as job work, no TDS under section 194C
- TDS on Provision for Expenses
- Section 194C payments to newspaper publishers
- No TDS on Reimbursement Expenses if separate bills raised
- All About 26AS (TDS, Refund , AIR information )
- 40(a)(ia) TDS default based on opinion of CA was bona fide mistake , No Penalty
- section 40(a)(i) No TDS Disallowance if Expenses Capitalised
- section 40(a)(ia) Payer not liable for TDS default due to retrospective amendments
- 40(a)(ia) Disallowance for TDS default if books rejected by AO
- Apply for non deduction of TDS u/s 195 even if person was subjected to concealment penalty
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